Privacy Policy


1.1 Militaria Barcelona makes this privacy policy available to you through the website in order to inform you, in detail, about how we treat your personal data and protect your privacy and the information you provide us. If we introduce changes to this policy in the future, we will inform you through the website or through other means, so that you can be aware of the new privacy conditions introduced.

1.2. Militaria Barcelona is owned by FRANCESC XAVIER ANDREU PRAT

NIF 36559672E
Professional activity: FRANCESC XAVIER ANDREU PRAT dedicates its main activity to COMMERCE
Geographic area of ​​development: FRANCESC XAVIER ANDREU PRAT develops its activity in the geographical area of ​​the European territory, being able to cover other territories worldwide.
FRANCESC XAVIER ANDREU PRAT does not have subsidiaries or other companies within its corporate structure.


Militaria Barcelona informs users that, in accordance with current and applicable regulations on personal data protection, we inform you that your data will be incorporated into the processing system owned by Militaria Barcelona and that their respective purposes, retention periods and legitimate bases are listed below. Therefore, we inform you of the processing carried out by Militaria Barcelona:

Website management Purpose: Registration and management of the data necessary for the functionality of the website and the management and installation of cookies.

Conservation period: While the consent given lasts.

Legitimate basis: The consent of the interested.

Type of Data: Merely identifying data.

Assignments: Not foreseen.


Managing users Purpose: Management of data of users who use the platform and who have a private area.

Conservation period: While the consent given lasts.

Legitimate basis: The consent of the interested.

Type of Data: Identification and contact data: name and surname, email, telephone, CIF/NIF/NIE and address.

Transfers: None foreseen.


Compliance Management


Purpose: Management and processing of obligations and duties arising from compliance with the regulations to which the entity is subject.

Conservation period: Conservation of copies of documents until the actions to claim possible liability expire.

Legitimate basis: Compliance with a law.

Type of Data: Merely identifying data.

Assignments: your data will be communicated if necessary to Agencies and/or public administration with jurisdiction in the matter in order to comply with the obligations established in the applicable regulations. In addition, it is reported that the legitimate basis for the assignment is to comply with the obligations established in the applicable regulations.


Newsletters Purpose: Collection, registration and processing of data for advertising and commercial prospecting purposes.

Conservation period: While consent is maintained.

Legitimate basis: Consent of the interested.

Type of Data: Merely identifying data.

Assignments: None foreseen.


Complaints and claims attention Purpose: Management and processing of complaints and claims directed to the website within the legally established period to comply with the obligations arising from the service.

Conservation period: The period strictly necessary to manage and respond to your request.

Legitimate basis: Legal obligation.

Type of Data: Merely identifying data.

Assignments: None foreseen.


Request for Information Purpose: To respond to your queries and/or requests.

Conservation period: As long as the consent given lasts.

Legitimate basis: The consent of the interested.

Type of Data: Merely identifying data

Assignments: None foreseen.



In accordance with the provisions of article 32 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC, Militaria Barcelona undertakes to adopt the necessary technical and organisational measures, in accordance with the level of risks associated with the processing carried out by them and indicated in the previous section, in order to guarantee their integrity, confidentiality and availability.

Likewise, Militaria Barcelona informs that if the User enters data into the forms on third-party websites, the latter will be responsible for the personal data, and must adopt the technical measures described in the Privacy Policy.


In compliance with Ley 34/2002, de 11 de julio, de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y Comercio Electrónico, Militaria Barcelona will request and the User may give their express consent so that, if they so wish, Militaria Barcelona can use their data in order to send them information and advertising that Militaria Barcelona may publish and/or carry out, with the aim of guaranteeing the security and confidentiality of their personal data, the security levels required by the regulations on personal data protection have been adopted and the technical means have been installed, within their reach, to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of personal data provided to Militaria Barcelona.


4.1 The User is informed of the possibility of exercising the rights of access, rectification, limitation of processing, deletion, portability and opposition to processing, which are available to the User and which can be exercised before Militaria Barcelona. In accordance with Chapter III of the GDPR, as well as the provisions of Title III, Chapter II of the LOPDGDD, the following nuances must be taken into account:

Right of Access: This is the right of the user to obtain information about their specific personal data and the processing that has been or is being carried out, as well as the information available on the origin of said data and the communications made or planned for them.
Right of Rectification: This is the right of the user to have data that is found to be inaccurate or incomplete modified. It may only be satisfied in relation to information that is under the control of Militaria Barcelona, ​​for example, deleting comments published on the page itself, images or web content where the user’s personal data appears.
Right to Limitation of Processing: This is the right to limit the purposes of processing originally intended by the data controller.
Right to Deletion: This is the right to delete the user’s personal data, except as provided for in the GDPR itself or in other applicable regulations that determine the obligation to retain them in a timely manner.
Right to Portability: The right to receive the personal data that the user has provided, in a structured format, for common use and machine reading, and to transmit them to another controller.
Right to Objection: This is the user’s right to not have their personal data processed or to have the processing of their personal data by Militaria Barcelona cease.

4.2 In order to exercise any of the rights described above, the following requirements must be met, taking into account the recipient:

Submission of a written request to the address Militaria Barcelona, ​​Carrer Bruc, 87, 08009 Barcelona, ​​or by email to

The written request sent by the data owner requesting the exercise of rights must meet the following legal requirements:

The applicant must be clearly identified and, in the event that there are doubts about the identity of the applicant, he or she will be asked to correct the request (e.g. by requesting more information, such as the ID number, the ID document, the email address provided, etc.)
The request may be made by the legal or voluntary representative, when this person is duly identified and authorized by the data owner (through an express authorization from the owner to exercise the very personal rights regulated in the regulations on the protection of personal data).
Request in which the request is specified. (Exercise in which it is requested or information to which you want to access). If you do not refer to a specific file, you will be provided with all the information held with your personal data. If you request information from a particular, only the information in this file can be provided. If you request information relating to a third party, it can never be provided. If you request it by telephone, you will be told to do so in writing and you will be informed of how you can do so and the address to which you must send it. You will never be given information by telephone.
Postal or electronic address for notification purposes.
Documents supporting the request you make, if necessary.
The requesting person must use any means that allows proof of the sending and receipt of the request.

Finally, we inform you that you have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency if you are aware of or consider that a fact may constitute a breach of the applicable regulations on data protection.

Militaria Barcelona undertakes to adopt the necessary technical and organisational measures, in accordance with the level of risks that accompany the processing carried out by them and indicated in the section on the terms and conditions of use, in order to guarantee their integrity, confidentiality and availability.


The applicable law in the event of a dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms that make up this legal notice, as well as any issue related to the services of this portal, will be Spanish law.

Barcelona, ​​January 2025.

Militaria Barcelona leaders in the Military Collecting sector since 1983

Where we areCarrer Bruc, 87, Barcelona, Spain
Talk to usPhone: (+34) 93 207 53 85
Do you have any questions?Whatsapp: (+34) 693 25 95 12
Copyright 2024 Militaria Barcelona - All rights reserved

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